Sansei and Sensibility Page 19
Miss you, bro. Keep up your studies and write me when you have a minute.
Aerogram from Bob Hannoki to Charley Hannoki
JUNE 1, 1947 TOKYO
By now you’ve heard from Mom that Omaki and I tied the knot in a simple ceremony in May. According to custom here, we did it Shinto style, though Mom would have preferred a church wedding. Maybe we can come to L.A. and do it again, though that doesn’t seem likely for a long time.
How’s college? At least you get to start as a freshman and can finish, won’t have to get your studies disrupted by a war, and you can plan a future. It looks like I’ll be here awhile since the pay is good and comes with housing, and now I got a family started. I used to think maybe I’d get back home and get another degree, but got to save that dream for another time. Keep me posted on your studies, not that I’m looking over your shoulder, just living the college life vicariously.
Did I say start a family? What I didn’t tell you or Mom is that Omaki is pregnant. I would have married her anyway, but this sealed the deal. When we went to get registered to marry, we had to try to dig up her records, but everything is pretty much gone. But what I found out was that she had lied to me about her age. She’s actually only 16, so imagine my shock. Turns out it’s all legal, but to register with the government, she’d have to get parental permission. So then I had to get death certificates, and so it’s been a hassle. And I admit I’ve been pretty angry about this, because we could have waited, and you know me, straight arrow kind of thinking. So I feel like I’ve been had, but then Omaki apologized and cried, and I melted. I’m fine now, just blowing off steam with no one to talk to. Anyway, you wouldn’t get into a situation like this, but let my experience be a warning.
Sorry to lay this on you. Don’t mean for you to get distracted by my problems. Just between you and me.
Wedding invitation from Dr. and Mrs. Reginald Higuchi to Captain and Mrs. Robert Hannoki
Dr. and Mrs. Reginald Higuchi
request the honor of your presence at the wedding of their daughter
Saturday, the twelfth of August
Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Eight
at four o’clock in the evening
Centenary Methodist Church
Thirty-Fifth and Normandie Avenues
Los Angeles, California
reception to follow
Note accompanying invitation from
Charley Hannoki to Bob Hannoki
Hope this finds you and Omaki well. I guess it was about time.
Card from Bob Hannoki to Charley and Cathy Hannoki
JULY 15, 1958 TOKYO
Dear Charley and Cathy,
Sorry we can’t be there. Glad I could see you last year at least, even if it was at Mom’s funeral. Sorry that Mom’s not alive to see you married.
Sending you a photo of our little girl Midori. She’s already 10. Hard to believe.
Omaki sends her good wishes too.
Cathy, take care of my little brother. I know he’s a handful, but he’s a good guy.
Christmas card from Charley and Cathy Hannoki
to Bob and Omaki Hannoki
Dear Bob, Omaki, and Midori,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Here’s a photo of our little Timothy, just born.
Love from Charley, Cathy, and Timmy
Christmas card from Charley and Cathy Hannoki
to Bob and Omaki Hannoki
Dear Bob, Omaki, and Midori,
Wishing you Love at Christmas and Peace in the New Year
Sending you a photo of your namesake, little Bobby.
Photograph of Timmy (age 3) holding newborn Bobby.
With love from Charley, Cathy, Timmy, and Bobby
Letter from Omaki Hannoki to Charley Hannoki
JULY 4, 1963 TOKYO
Dear Charley,
I have a hard time to write this letter to you. I should telephone you, but I can not. I got the news that Bob died. They said it was an accident. It happened in Korea. I don’t understand. The war there is over many years. I know that was Bob’s work, but I can not forgive. I will come to America. I will bring Bob’s ashes to bury with his mother and father. I think this is what he would want. I am sorry to write this to you.
Letter from Hannoki Omaki to Sato Otsuma
おつまちゃん (or お妻ちゃん)
ボブが亡くなってから、遺品を整理したり家を片付けたりで大変でした。弟のチ ャーリーが一週間来てくれて、アメリカのほうの書類などを手伝ってくれました。こ れでやっとこっちを離れて、サンフランシスコで会えるわね。貴女と一緒に暮らして 新しい人生を始められることに、本当にほっとしています。貴女のお店にきっとお役に立てる。前に夢見ていたように、ついにアメリカで暮らすのね。これはボブが約 束してくれたこと。私がさんざん頼んだのをボブがちゃんと聞き入れて、とっくに任 務を辞めていてくれたらよかったのに、あの人は死んじゃった。貴女はやり手のご 主人が見つかって、運がよかったわね。
美登利は寮のある学校に入れました。卒業まではこっちにいます。あの子の歳 のころには私は完全に自立していたのよ。あの子は甘やかしちゃって苦労を知らな い。アメリカで学校に入れるほど頭が良くないと思うの。いずれはアメリカに行か ざるをえないけれど。だって、ボブの年金だけでは学費がいつまで持つかわからな いから。
こっちは寒いのよ。貴女と一緒にサンフランシスコの春を迎えられるのを楽し みにしています。
– translation –
My dear friend, I hope this letter finds you well.
Since Bob died, I have had a difficult time sorting out his things and closing down this house. His brother, Charley, came for a week and helped me with the American paperwork. I am ready to finally leave and to join you in San Francisco. I am so relieved to be able to live with you and start a new life. I know I can be useful to your business. As you and I dreamed, finally I will come to live in America, something Bob promised me. He should have resigned his commission earlier, and I kept asking and insisting, and now he is gone. You were so fortunate to find a man with business prospects.
I have placed Midori in a boarding school here to finish her education. At her age, I was already completely on my own. She has been spoiled and innocent of hardship. I don’t think she’s smart enough to come to America and go to school. She will have to come later anyway, since I don’t know how long I can spend Bob’s pension on her schooling.
I will send you my travel itinerary from Tokyo very soon.
It is still very cold here. I await a springtime with you in San Francisco.
Your old chum,
MARCH 10, 1964 TOKYO
Letter from Omaki Hannoki to Charley and Cathy Hannoki
MARCH 10, 1965 TOKYO
Dear Charley and Cathy,
I will come to America in a few weeks. My friend Mrs. Otsuma Sato lives in San Francisco. She is married to Mr. Sato, who owns Daikokuya import store near Nihonmachi. She can help me with a job at the import store. I think this is the best decision for me since Bob died. Midori will stay in Tokyo to finish school. When I arrive, I will write to you again.
Letter from Omaki Hannoki to Charley and Cathy Hannoki
Dear Charley and Cathy,
I am in San Francisco for 6 months now. I should come to Los Angeles to see you now. I will bring Bob’s ashes to bury with his parents. I can stay at your house. Thank you for this imposition. I will arrive by Greyhound bus.
Letter from Cathy Hannoki to Dr. Reggie and Natsuko Higuchi
Dear Mom and Dad,
How are you both? Have you settled in by now? It’s difficult to imagine that you’ll be in Nagasaki for an entire year. Though you’ve just left, I miss you already. I know the work there will consume Dad, and I know Mom will find a lot to explore. Keep us up on everything, what you see and do.
The news here is that Omaki has come to live with us. She kind of just moved in, but Charley is, of course, very nice and solicitous of her. It’s his way of mourning Bob, even though he won’t talk about it. I try to be supportive, but the boys keep me very busy. Omaki tries to be helpful playing with the boys. Sometimes she talks to them in Japanese, and they laugh. Maybe they’ll learn the language.
Charley’s been terribly busy. He’s partnered with another dentist, and they are making a go of orthodontics. I think he’s a bit stressed, and it’s difficult to have another person to take care of. I feel sorry for Omaki, but in her needy way, she’s rather pushy. I’m sorry to complain.
Timmy just started kindergarten. On the first day, he was shy, but as soon as he saw another child crying, he showed me a look of disdain, looked back at me once, and broke away. I admit I’m surprised at his independence at such an early age.
Here’s a recent photo of the boys. Tim (age 5) Bobby (age 3).
We’re fine. Send us news about your adventures.
Letter from Hannoki Omaki to Sato Otsuma
やっと涼しくなりました。インディアン・サマーっていうのかしら、このお天気、よくわ からないわね。でも東京とちがってこっちは暑いといっても湿気がなくて乾燥してい るから、しのぎやすいけれど。暑かったせいで、サンフランシスコのひんやりとした霧 を恋しく思っていました。慣れていたから。スチュワートと一緒に桟橋に行ったりゴー ルデンゲート橋を歩いたりして、夕陽が沈むころ霧が流れこんでくるのを見ていたの を思い出します。こういうとなんだかバカみたいにロマンチックに聞こえるかもしれ ないけれど、彼のことをとてもなつかしく思っているのよ。あんなに生き返ったよう な気持ちになったのは、本当にひさしぶりだったから。ボブはいつも家にいなかった し、もちろん私にもやることがいろいろあったけれど、家にいるときでもあの人は私 が何を必要としているかに、スチュワートほど気を遣ってくれなかったから。スチュワ ートの噂を何か聞いたら教えてね。こっちではすごく退屈しているの。どこにも行く ところがない郊外で、家から出歩くこともできない。時期が来るのを待って方針を決 めなくちゃいけないとはわかってるんだけど。毎日、がまんしなさい、って自分に言い 聞かせています。ご存知のとおり私はこうと決めたら決意は固いけれど、計画は慎 重にしなくてはね。アメリカという国が、やっとわかってきた気がしています。
ここではチャーリー一家と一緒にいます。奥さんは、まるで私のことはちゃんと わかっているとでもいうように、用心している様子。私を信用してないみたいだけ ど、チャーリーはとても親切です。二人とも私を哀れに思ってるんでしょう。少しで も役に立ちたいと思って、男の子二人の世話をしています。いつもうるさくかけまわ って大げんかばかりしている、やんちゃな子たち。テレビを見ていいときだけ静かな の。キャシーは子供にテレビを見せないけれど、彼女が出かけてしまうと漫画番組 をつけてやるでしょう、すると私はのんびりできるというわけ。そして隙を見て自分 の部屋に逃げこめば、やっと落ち着けるのよ。それでいま、こうして部屋で手紙を書 いている。
貴女、あのお年寄りの旦那さんをどう操っているの。佐藤さんはいずれはお亡く なりになって、あなたにお店と財産を遺してくれるでしょう。そうなったら私たち、旅 は。泣き言ばかりいって。本当に、あの子はスチュワートの人生をみじめにしなくち ゃ気がすまないんでしょう。
あ、やんちゃどもが私の部屋のドアのところで騒いでるわ。晩ごはんの時間。ま た時間を見つけて書くわね。いまは取り急ぎ。
– translation –
Finally the weather here has cooled down. I don’t understand this climate they call Indian summer. But unlike Tokyo, when it is hot here, it is dry and not humid, so bearable. Because of the hot weather, I have been longing for San Francisco and the coolness and the fog there. I had become accustomed to this. I remember walking with Stuart on the pier or over the Golden Gate and watching the fog roll in with the setting sun beyond. I must sound like a silly romantic, but I do miss him very much. It had been such a long time since I had felt alive. Bob was always away, and of course I had my other interests, but when he was around, he was never as attentive to my needs as Stuart. If you’ve any news about Stuart, please write to me. I’m really so bored here, stuck in this house in what they call the suburbs with nowhere to go. I know I must bide my time and find my way. Every day I tell myself to be patient. As you know, I am very determined, but I must plan carefully. I think I am beginning to understand this America.
Meanwhile, I am here with Charley and his family. His wife is rather cautious, as if she knows something about me. I don’t think she trusts me, but Charley is very kind. I guess they pity me. I have tried to be useful, taking care of the two boys, both brats who are constantly running around, fighting, making a commotion. They are only quiet when they can watch television. Cathy won’t let them watch television, but when she leaves, I turn it on to some cartoons, so I can have some peace. And when I can, I flee to my room to get some quiet. That is where I am now, writing to you.
How are you managing with that old husband of yours? Old Sato should one day keel over and leave you his business and fortune. Then you and I can travel and do as we like. But you must be careful of that niece of his, Lucy. Such a whiner. Really, she must make Stuart’s life miserable.
Oh, those brats are making a ruckus at my door. It must be dinnertime. I will find another moment to write to you again. In the meantime, sending my affections.
Letter from Sato Otsuma to Hannoki Omaki
ご存知のとおりサンクスギビングで、あのぞっとする七面鳥とか他にもアメリカ人 の大好きな食べ物を耐え忍ばなくてはならない時期ね。でももっと困った問題は、 親戚の集まりを我慢しなくてはならないこと。佐藤家はいたるところに子供たちが いて、一族郎党、集まりたくてたまらないの。もちろん私はこういうお料理はできな いので、佐藤と私は毎年ウォルナット・クリークの、彼の甥のところにご招待されま す。部屋がたくさんあるすてきなお家で、時々都会から逃げ出せるようにあんな家 を買いましょうよと、佐藤を説得することもできるかもしれない。でもこういうこと を書こうと思ったのではないのよ。
nbsp; サンクスギビングの時ね。もちろんスチュワートとルーシーも来ました。みんな ディナーの食卓について、ご自慢のあの巨大な黄金色の七面鳥が切り分けられて、 スイートポテトや詰め物やあのげんなりするクランベリーソースやグレイビーの器 が回されたりなどなどがあったわけ。スチュワートとルーシーは互いに話をするこ とを避けていたけれど、ふたりのあいだのこのピリピリした感じに気がついていた のは私だけだったわ。スチュワートは相当みじめに見えたのよ、ほんとに。ふたり は一見幸せそうなふりをしていたけれど、ルーシーはいつものごとくおしゃべりで 話が飛ぶし早口で、私はあの人の話はさっぱりわからないので正確なところを伝え られないんだけれど、ルーシーの話し声がどんどんどんどん大きくなって突然ヒス テリーみたいな金切り声になり、テーブルの一方の端からあの人スイートポテトのマ ッシュしたのをスプーンでたっぷりスチュワートのお皿に投げこむのでお皿からそ れた分が彼の胸にこぼれて、あげくの果てには器いっぱいのグレイビーを彼のお皿 に空けちゃったの。それでグレイビーがお皿からあふれてテーブルにこぼれて彼の 膝にこぼれて、彼は立ち上がって怒鳴り、彼女も大声を上げながら部屋から飛び出 していったのよ。ほんとにねえ、おまきちゃん、とんでもない場面だった!想像で きる?